Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dangerous Drugs

Dangerous Drugs

When patients or consumers are prescribed a medication, or purchase a medication, they are usually under the impression that the drug is safe. This is because they trust drug manufacturers, medical professionals, and pharmacists to know which drugs are helpful, and which drugs are harmful. Unfortunately, each year, numerous dangerous drug cases are reported. A dangerous or defective drug is a drug that causes adverse physical complications for users. Although drug manufacturers are supposed to perform extensive testing on the drugs that they plan to sell, many defective drugs reach the consumer market.

Dangerous or defective drugs can cause many life-altering physical side effects for users. Some of the drugs dangerous drugs listed below have caused serious symptoms such as: blindness, heart failure, birth defects, stroke, memory loss, kidney failure, muscle cell damage, and liver dysfunction. These symptoms are lethal, and severely impact a person’s standard way of life.

Common Dangerous Drugs
The following is a list of dangerous, defective drugs that are known to have caused adverse user reactions:

* Baycol
* Celebrex
* Ephedrine
* Fen-Phen
* Lamisil
* Paxil
* Resulin
* Viagra
* Vioxx
* Zyprexa

Los Angeles Personal Injury & Burn Injury Law Firm
If you have suffered due to the usage of a dangerous drug, it is always to your benefit to speak with a reputable personal injury attorney. In some cases, you may be entitled to monetary compensation from the drug manufacturer to cover things such as your: current and future medical costs, lost wages, lost quality of life, and pain and suffering.

The Shaun Setaruh Law Group, P.C. has represented numerous clients throughout Los Angeles who have incurred serious physical complications due to the use of dangerous drugs. If you have used a dangerous drug and incurred serious medical complications, call the Shaun Setaruh Law Group today at (877) 222-7800. At the Shaun Setaruh Law Group, you will receive dependable legal resources, advocacy, and representation from a knowledgeable Los Angeles dangerous drugs attorney.