Dangers of Smoking
Smoking is a down right filthy habit that affects not only your health, but the health of others around you. A pity on your children if you smoke around them.
And as governments continuously impose higher taxes on tobacco, the costs of lighting up can run into the thousands per year for each smoker. So why do people still smoke? Simple answer - nicotine addiction!
Nicotine Levels on the Increase
Nicotine addiction has been found to be one of the hardest addictions to kick. With an increase in anti-smoking campaigns, tobacco companies are upping the levels of nicotine in their cigarettes to make it all that harder to quit smoking.
Nicotine is odorless and colorless and varies in concentrations from 1 to 16 grams per cigarette.
Nicotine enters the bloodstream together with tar, reaching the brain in less than 10 seconds. In less than a minute, nicotine spreads throughout the entire body. It then increases the heart rate and blood pressure, providing the smoker with alertness and a relaxing effect. In less that 30 minutes, the nicotine effects decrease, and the smoker becomes irritable and less alert. That’s why they have the tendency to grab and light another cigarette to get a new "fix" from nicotine. This explains the addictive effect of smoking. Before a person knows it, they have lit more than 10 cigarettes in one day