Thursday, November 12, 2009

Say No to Drugs, Beautiful World Without Drugs

Say No to Drugs, Beautiful World Without Drugs

Drugs is an acronym for Narcotics, Alcohol, and dangerous drugs. Sometimes called
Napza (Narcotics, Psychotropic, and Substance Additives). These substances can create a variety of side effects such as hallucinations, addiction, and other psychological effects. How to use can be through injection, eaten, smoked, or inhaled. Examples of hazardous substances are consumed in a way that is inhaled is opium use suction pipe.
Hazardous substances are classified into:

1. Narcotics

2. Psychotropic

3. Addictive substances


Narcotics derived from English "Narcotics" which means drugs. Narcotics are substances derived from opium crop 3 (Papaper Somminiferum), cocaine (Erythroxyion coca), and marijuana (caannabis sativa), either pure or mixed forms. How it works affecting the nervous system that can make us not feel anything, even if parts of our body hurt though.

The types of narcotics:

1. Cannabis or Cannabis (kanabis) or Marijuana / marihuana.

2. Heroin or Putaw.

3. Morphine.

4. Cocaine.

5. Opioid or opium or opiates or Opium.

6. Codein or Codeine.

7. Methadone (MTD).

8. LSD or Lysergic Acid or Acid or Trips or Tabs.

9. PC.

10. Mescalin.

11. Barbiturates.

12. Demerol or Petidin or Pethidina.

13. Dektropoksiven.

14. Hashish (Shaped flour and black colors. He enjoyed the way smoked or eaten. Narcotics second type is said to be rather harmless just because it rarely leads to death).


Psychotropic drugs is another material that does not contain a narcotic, an artificial substance or made engineering results by adjusting the chemical structure. Affect or change the mental state and behavior of its users.

The types of psychotropic drugs:

1. Ecstasy or Inex or Metamphetamines.

2. Demerol.

3. Speed.

4. Angel Dust

5. Shabu-shabu (Sabu / Syabu / ICE).

6. Sedative-hypnotic (benzodiazepines / BDZ), BK, Lexo, MG, Rohip, Dum.

7. Megadon.

8. Nipam.

ptypes are also often associated with the term amphetamine. There are 2 types of amphetamines that is the first MDMA (methyl dioksi methamphetamine) known as ecstasy, another name fantacy Pils, Inex. Then the second type is Methamphetamine who work longer than MDMA (can be reached 12 hours) and the effect is stronger hallucinations. Another name shabu, SS, ice.

Addictive substances

Addictive substances are substances that can be addictive if taken regularly. Your options:

1. Alcohol.

2. Nicotine.

3. Caffeine.

4. Designers substances.


Ganja / Marijuana / Kanabis (Cannabis sativa syn. Cannabis indica) is a plant bushes / shrubs that grow wild in the woods, known as drug substance content in the leaves, seeds, and flowers that can make users experience euphoria (feeling like a prolonged without a cause )

Sap-marijuana-(THC) which is called hashish dry, while the oil is dissolved kanabasis. Oil is often used as a mixture of hand-rolled cigarettes or tobacco, which called among other things cimenk, pot, cimenx, joint, spleft.

Generally negative effects marijuana suck:

- Users become lazy and the brain will slow in thinking (decreased concentration ability).

- Blurred vision.

- Supply of blood circulation to the heart decreases.

However, this is still a controversy, because it is not fully agreed on by some particular group that supports medical marijuana and marijuana in general. Besides claimed as a pain, and treatments for specific diseases (including cancer), many parties also stated that there were spikes in thinking and creativity in work (especially on the artists and musicians).

Marijuana plants have been known to mankind for a long time and used as a fabric bag because it produces strong fibers. Marijuana seeds is also used as a source of oil. However, because marijuana is also known as a source of narcotics and use of more economic value, more people for this plant and misused in many places.

Before there was a strict prohibition against marijuana cultivation, marijuana in Aceh leaves and vegetables became common components are presented.

In some countries completely prohibited cannabis cultivation. In some other countries, cannabis cultivation is allowed to use the fiber of interest. Condition is planted to varieties that contain a very low narcotic or none at all.


Ecstasy or Inex (methylene Dioxy Meth Amphetamine / MDMA) have chemical structures and effects similar to amphetamines and hallucinogens. Ecstasy tablets are usually colored and shaped design different. Ecstasy can also powder or capsule form.

Like most drugs, there are no controls that govern the strength and purity of one of these drugs. In fact there is no guarantee that an entirely with ecstasy ecstasy. Ecstasy is often mixed with hazardous substances other. Other names: Dolphin, Black Heart, Scrooge, Circle K, and others.

Directly influence the use of ecstasy:

- Feelings of joy overflowing.

- Feeling comfortable.

- Nausea.

- Sweating & dehydration (loss of body fluids).

- Increased closeness with others.

- Believe in yourself increases and decreases shame.

- Jaw tightened and his teeth chattering.

- Paranoia, confusion.

- Increased heart rate, temperature

- Body and blood pressure.

- Fainting, falls or convulsions (attack came - come).

The influence of long-term use of ecstasy:

Little is known about the long-term effects of ecstasy use, but the possibility of mental and psychological damage is very high. Here is the long-term effects have been known:

- Ecstasy brain damage and weaken the memory.

- Ecstasy damage in the brain mechanisms that regulate the power to learn and think quickly.

- There is evidence that this drug can cause heart and liver damage.

- The user has acknowledged the existence of organized severe depression and had no cases of psychiatric disorders

- There is evidence that people can become psychologically addicted to ecstasy. Users acknowledge their difficulty to stop or reduce consumption.

- Sex and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

- The effects of ecstasy can make a person behave in a dangerous, or put himself into a state of helplessness. This can lead to rape, sex unwanted pregnancy and diseases like AIDS or Hepatitis C.

- Death.

It is known that deaths from ecstasy can occur as a result of three different conditions:

1. The influence of stimulation resulting in a heart attack or brain hemorrhage.

2. Combination use of ecstasy in the dance activities will cause rise in body temperature temperature at a dangerous level. Because ecstasy is usually drunk at night clubs or discos, the risk of death due to excessive heat (hyperthermia) will increase.

3. Although not as a direct result of ecstasy, death can occur because of drinking water due to a temperature high body temperature that occurs "dilutional hyponatremia" (condition in which excess brain fluid).


Poppy seed out of the sap when slashed, flowers and raw opium poppy .-

Opium is a narcotic type of sap (latex) is obtained (issued) through the eyelid incision poppy seed (Papavaver somniferum) are still green (immature). This sap contains 12% morphine (morphine) which are often chemically processed to become a drug with the aim of illegally traded. In this sap also contains codein .--

Sap of the opium and then accommodated into clumps of dried (raw material of opium), which further made the opium powder. Morphine (alkoloida) contained in the content of the opium sap is used to relieve pain (hipnoanalgetik) for teertentu disease patients, whereas codein which is also present in the sap of opium as a drug widely used antitusif (cough medicine). Heroin is derived from morphine chemically processed, can cause dependence (addiction) is doubled compared with morphine. Heroin is used by the pecandunya by injection into muscle, skin or veins .-

Negative impact of the use of morphine to make it replaced morphine with other drugs that have the same functionality but friendly to the wearer. Codein can also cause dependency, so use as codein cough medicine by physicians, its circulation is restricted and closely monitored.


Or putaw heroin (diacetylmorphine, diamorphine) is a semi synthetic substance made from morphine (Morphin) derived from the (derivatives) resin plant seeds of opium, a white powder form and there is also the shape of white crystals.


Heroin is produced legally and closely monitored, used for the treatment of pain relief and for sedation, for example for cancer patients. But many also produced heroin is illegal by the "drug mafia" for commercial purposes with the drug-memasoknya drug addicts who need to meet the apparent pleasure, which eventually will be a disaster for the users.


Negative effects of heroin:


- Can lead to addiction-great-for physically and mentally for the wearer.

- Use the verge of the limit can poison-body-addict and addicts will be in pain physically.

- Needles, sprayer and other tools that are used interchangeably to include kedarah heroin addicts, high-risk transmitting germs such as HIV, hepatitis. Also can cause inflammation (abscesses, wounds).

- May cause constipation (difficult waste-water-large) is a chronic (ongoing -/menahun).

- Destructive renal function .-

If heroin addicts stop using heroin will feel pain and fear. Usually 48-72 hours after last use heroin, addicts showed signs: dilated pupils, panic, shivering, muscle cramps, nausea, and sweating a lot. These symptoms in Indonesia often called "withdrawal" .-

The main producers of illegal opium --

Opium as a raw material lot of morphine and heroin, illegally planted by the main producers in the "Golden Crescent" (Afghanistan and Pakistan), "Golden Triangle" (Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand), Colombia and Mexico. The end result of heroin sold on the black market in Western countries, especially to Europe and the United States.

powder heroin and heroin addicts


Cocaine (Cocain Hyd rochloride) h adala crystalline powder derived from the extraction and isolation of coca leaves that can stimulate the central nervous system and reduces appetite in a way taken by mixing it with drinks, such as cigarettes smoked, injected into a vein, inhaled from the nose with a pipe small, and various other methods.